RMUS Operation
Start Server
Terminal 1
cd ./ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_server
Terminal 2
cd ./ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_server
cd ~/ros_x_habitat_ws/src/ros_x_habitat/
python3 src/scripts/roam_with_joy.py --hab-env-config-path ./configs/roam_configs/pointnav_rgbd_roam_mp3d_test_scenes.yaml
Start Client
Terminal 1 ->Navigation
sudo docker start sim2real_client
cd ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_client
Then roslaunch
-> roslaunch rtab_navigation rtab_navigation.launch
-> roslaunch carto_navigation navigation.launch
Termiunal 2 ->Detect
roscd ep_detect_and_grasp
python3 detect_cube.py
Termianl 3 ->Grasp
roscd ep_detect_and_grasp
python3 place_cube.py
cd ./ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_server
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
Press q, z, increase or decrease the speed of the robot.
Press i, j, , , l, to control forward/backward/rotation.
Press I, J, <, L, to control the horizontal movement.
Press k, stop the robot moving.
Press 1, to move the robotic arm to the place to grab up.
Press 2, to move the robotic arm to the place to place down.
Press 3, to pick the ore.
Press 4, to place the ore.
RMUS Operation